American Jane Pindots 2.5" Strip Roll

American Jane Pindots is expected mid August, sign up below for its release

Includes (40) 2.5" strips, with duplicates, from the American Jane Pindots fabric collection by American Jane.

SKU: RP-840-40

The Pindots polka dot print in primary and some secondary colors give you the strength of a solid but with a touch of elegance. Pair it perfectly with print texture variety or use it straight and plain for appliqué master piece creations. There is no limit to what you can do with a bit of pindots working for you to complete a project already under way or to create new ones that make you say “Now that’s a quilt!” Pindots have become my favorite go to and cherished by many quilters too.

American Jane Pindots 2.5" Strip Roll

American Jane Pindots is expected mid August, sign up below for its release

Includes (40) 2.5" strips, with duplicates, from the American Jane Pindots fabric collection by American Jane.

SKU: RP-840-40

The Pindots polka dot print in primary and some secondary colors give you the strength of a solid but with a touch of elegance. Pair it perfectly with print texture variety or use it straight and plain for appliqué master piece creations. There is no limit to what you can do with a bit of pindots working for you to complete a project already under way or to create new ones that make you say “Now that’s a quilt!” Pindots have become my favorite go to and cherished by many quilters too.

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