Confetti Cottons Fat Eighth Bundle in Hush Hush Rainbow

1 precut in stock
Includes (30) 9" x 21" cuts from the Confetti Cottons fabric collection by Riley Blake Designs.

SKU: FE-120-HUSH-30

With 186 colors, Confetti Cottons has something for every project. Riley Blake's 100% cotton solids are beautiful to work with and are so soft! If you haven’t sewn with Confetti Cottons before, we hope you give them a try! We have all 186 current colors available in yardage as well as a rainbow of curated color palette Fat Quarter Bundles! And stay tuned - next month Riley Blake is launching 114 more colors for a total of 300 Confetti Cotton Solids and we'll have them all!

Confetti Cottons Fat Eighth Bundle in Hush Hush Rainbow

1 precut in stock
Includes (30) 9" x 21" cuts from the Confetti Cottons fabric collection by Riley Blake Designs.

SKU: FE-120-HUSH-30

With 186 colors, Confetti Cottons has something for every project. Riley Blake's 100% cotton solids are beautiful to work with and are so soft! If you haven’t sewn with Confetti Cottons before, we hope you give them a try! We have all 186 current colors available in yardage as well as a rainbow of curated color palette Fat Quarter Bundles! And stay tuned - next month Riley Blake is launching 114 more colors for a total of 300 Confetti Cotton Solids and we'll have them all!

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