Vintage Soul Fat Quarter Bundle

By Moda
14 precuts in stock
Includes (23) 18" x 21" cuts from the Vintage Soul fabric collection by Cathe Holden.

SKU: 7430AB

Discover embroidered and crewel-stitched flowers, birds, and sweet repeats in the bright colors of happy in Vintage Soul, new from Cathe Holden. Inspired by the craft kits of the 60's and 70's, Cathe reproduced her nostalgic batch of crocheted potholders and hot pads into delightful prints, and created a rainbowesque cheater quilt design derived from her treasured mid-century patchwork throws.

Vintage Soul Fat Quarter Bundle

By Moda
14 precuts in stock
Includes (23) 18" x 21" cuts from the Vintage Soul fabric collection by Cathe Holden.

SKU: 7430AB

Discover embroidered and crewel-stitched flowers, birds, and sweet repeats in the bright colors of happy in Vintage Soul, new from Cathe Holden. Inspired by the craft kits of the 60's and 70's, Cathe reproduced her nostalgic batch of crocheted potholders and hot pads into delightful prints, and created a rainbowesque cheater quilt design derived from her treasured mid-century patchwork throws.